Monday, June 7, 2010

Mon June 07 What Are We Willing To Do For God? Read Acts 26

What Are You Willing to Do For God?

What are you willing to do for God?

That is the question I asked my Sunday School Class this past Sunday.

We discussed Paul’s willingness to go to the extreme to do anything for God. In Acts 26, we find Paul on trial. His case has already been discussed and no evidence was found against him, but false witnesses came against him. But Paul was not worried about their false testimonies against him; he was right where he wanted to be and where God needed him to be. In verse 1, I can imagine the smile on Paul’s face when Agrippa permitted him to speak to him. With a captive audience and judge, Paul was more than happy to tell exactly what he had been and Who had changed him on the road to Damascus. In verse 10, he admitted to giving voice against Christians, because they were Christians. In 13-19, he tells about his conversion. Now imagine being in the Watauga County Courthouse and giving the judge and jury your testimony. Because Paul was willing to do the extreme for God, look in verse 28 at what Agrippa says to Paul, “Almost you persuade me to be a Christian.” In verse 31 and 32 they admit that Paul is innocent and would have been set free except for the fact that Paul had already appealed to Caesar. You see, Paul was happy to give his testimony to Agrippa and the other people in the courtroom – his ‘captive audience.’ Paul was willing to do exactly what it took to give his testimony and spread the Good News of Jesus.

When I asked the question to the teens in my class not even one said they were willing to do anything God asked. One said he would do anything but fly in a plane and another said for us to pray that she would find strength to do something that God had already asked her to do. They all were honest. Then I was honest with them and said when God gave me this lesson I thought to myself ‘Sure I am willing to read my Bible and pray more!’ Then God reminded me that I read and pray for MYSELF –not Him!

Ask yourself this question: If God asked you, would you be willing to go to the worst neighborhood in your county and beat on doors and invite people to church and give your testimony? I know I would be way out of my comfort zone! If God asked you to go to Haiti and witness to the witches and black magic practitioners there, how many would go? This past week we at Cornerstone had a man of God be brave enough to step out and go in front of the church to announce his Call to preach.

We all need to have more spiritual hero's & leaders like Brother Bryan Miller-and the Apostle Paul, but always looking unto Jesus!

Bro Kevin Winebarger

CMBC Facebook Writer

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