Friday, February 26, 2010

Feb 27 "The KING JAMES is the ONLY BIBLE" Read II Timothy 3

Read II Timothy 3

Key Verse: II Timothy 3:16

The King James Bible is for comfort, for cleansing, and for command, and has no equal.

All the ups and downs of human experiences are in the King James Bible.

The King James Bible is the most powerful word in the world, and there is no power in any other "bible" or book.

The Kings James Bible is the most hopeful word in the world, it is the Gospel for the Gutter.

The King James Bible is the most helpful word in the world. It teaches us how to think about life, feeds the heart with vision, and is a light for our feet in any situation in life.

The King James Bible is the most living word in the world, for it contains all the truths that are essential to man's health in character, man's hope in service, and man's triumph in death.

The King James Bible is the telescope in which we can see the living God, and in which others come to know Him.

God always was, He is and always will be.

Bro David G

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 26 "Your Family's Defense" Read Psalm 140:1-8

Your Family’s Defense

Scripture Reading: Psalm 140:1–8

Key Verse:
1 Thessalonians 5:17, Pray without ceasing.

You don’t fight real wars with popguns, and you don’t fight the devil with mere determination or resolve. God provides our families’ defense against Satan. If we are to succeed, we must take up His weapons.

Pray for each member of your family every day. Ask God to surround each one with His supernatural hedge of protection against the tactics of the evil one. Call out their names before God, thanking Him that they are inscribed on the palm of His hand.

Especially pray the Word of God. Find Scriptures that pertain to your particular problems, and pray those Scriptures to God. It is the truth of God, and the truth always defeats the lies of Satan.

Resist the devil in the name of Jesus. Through your union with Christ, you have been given victory over the enemy. Jesus defeated Satan through His sinless life, His atoning death, and His triumphant resurrection. Satan is a vanquished foe. Though he still puts up a vicious fight, you can overcome him through the power of Jesus Christ.

Rebuke the devil in Christ’s name, command him to flee, and stand firm. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your family members and leave no room for the devil to set up shop.

The family is Satan's main attack. Keep your family in prayer and live a life before them as an example.

God Bless You!
Pastor Delmar James
Proffits Grove Baptist Church

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feb 25 "Leaven in you Life?" Read Matthew 13, Plus...

Scripture Reading:

Matthew 13 (Key Verse 33)
Isaiah 14:7-12
1 John 1:9
1 Corinthians 5:6

In Matthew 13, we have one of the more intriguing chapters in the entire Bible. While almost entirely spoken by Jesus Christ and spoken mainly in parables, this chapter deals with the entire scope of the present age we live in (church age).

Take note: Interesting that there are seven parables about the church and we know that seven is Gods number of completion. So we have the complete church and the many different things that go on it.

In Matthew 13:33, we see the "Parable of the Leaven"...

Leaven is what you add to bread to make it rise and is always referenced in the Bible in an "evil" sense.

Leaven is a type of pride, the sin that got the devil thrown out of Heaven (read Isaiah 14:7-12) and the one sin that is usually the hardest for us to rid ourselves of! When you see the word "leaven" in the Bible, its referring to something bad.

Studying here, we see this woman took some leaven and allowed it into the meal she was making. Well, eventually that little bit of leaven made the whole meal bad. This teaches us that what we see as a "little" sin isn't little at all. If you are trying to do something good, while you are allowing a "little" sin in your life, then eventually it will override the good. It almost doesn’t seem fair to us, but we have to look at it from Gods standpoint. Right?

He has called us to be a "city on a hill", one that shines a light that will attract even the most wary strangers. But if it puts off a light that is dim, none will be attracted and we will not be in Gods will.

Its amazing how it happens to the best of us!

We just knowingly or unknowingly let the "little" sin in and before we know it, our life will not be what it once was...we don't get as excited, we are not as willing to witness, and before long we are cold on the Lord. I am sure most of us have been there and regretfully, some may be there now.

What an amazing God we serve!

No matter how much leaven (or sin) we allow into our life, He is always willing to remove it!

1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.

You might have let a "little" sin creep in, but God will take it away if you allow Him too. Be careful of the things you allow in your life. If they are not of God, they are no good! No matter how good it seems at the time, sin always brings bad fruit in the end.

The fruit of the Lord is always great and satisfactory to the soul!

One last verse I would like you to read: 1 Corinthians 5:6

Have a great day in the Lord!
Bro Jimmy Galgano

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb 24 "Amazing Grace" Read John 3

Sometimes we need to reflect on the history of the hymns we sing and not take for granted the men and women God impressed to write these great hymns of faith. So let's take a few minutes and find out more about John Newton.

John Newton, the author of a Amazing Grace was a wretch, a moral pariah. While a new believer around 1750, John Newton had commanded an English slave ship.

Ships would make the first leg of their voyage from England nearly empty until they would anchor off the African coast. There tribal chiefs would deliver to the Europeans stockades full of men and women, captured in raids and wars against other tribes. Buyers would select the finest specimens, which would be bartered for weapons, ammunition, metal, liquor, trinkets, and cloth. Then the captives would be loaded aboard, packed for sailing. They were chained below decks to prevent suicides, laid side by side to save space, row after row, one after another, until the vessel was laden with as many as 600 units of human cargo.

Slaves were "packed" in ships for the voyage across the Atlantic. Captains sought a fast voyage across the Atlantic's infamous "middle passage," hoping to preserve as much as their cargo as possible, yet mortality sometimes ran 20% or higher. When an outbreak of smallpox or dysentery occurred, the stricken were cast overboard. Once they arrived in the New World, blacks were traded for sugar and molasses to manufacture rum, which the ships would carry to England for the final leg of their "triangle trade." Then off to Africa for yet another round. John Newton transported more than a few shiploads of the 6 million African slaves brought to the Americas in the 18th century.

At sea by the age of eleven, he was forced to enlist on a British man-of-war seven years later. Recaptured after desertion, the disgraced sailor was exchanged to the crew of a slave ship bound for Africa.

It was a book he found on board--Thomas à Kempis' Imitation of Christ--which sowed the seeds of his conversion. When a ship nearly foundered in a storm, he gave his life to Christ. Later he was promoted to captain of a slave ship. Commanding a slave vessel seems like a strange place to find a new Christian. But at last the inhuman aspects of the business began to pall on him, and he left the sea for good.

While working as a tide surveyor he studied for the ministry, and for the last 43 years of his life preached the gospel in Olney and London. At 82, Newton said, "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things, that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Saviour." No wonder he understood so well grace--the completely undeserved mercy and favor of God.

Newton's tombstone reads, "John Newton, Clerk, once an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa, was, by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, preserved, restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long labored to destroy."

But a far greater testimony outlives Newton in the most famous of the hundreds of hymns he wrote:

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me,I once was lost, but now am found,was blind, but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,I have already come.'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.

Next time you sing this song, think of how the complete undeserved mercy and favor of God pardoned you in His salvation, then share your testimony with someone else.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Joshua Hamby Ordination Service Photo Album

Feb 23 "A Faithful Prayer Life" James 5:16

Read James 5:16...

I would like to talk for just a few moments on the one thing most of us, well, all of us are lacking in our life, and that is having a faithful prayer life.

As a Born Again Christian our number one tool is our prayer life, you might not think so, but take your prayers away and see how your life is, see how you family life is, see how your church life is. I would say it would be pretty bad. I have come to find out in my walk with Jesus that the more faithful I am in my prayers and alone time with Him, the more prayers He answers.

Think of this for one moment, if you never talked your father at home, you never told him how much you appreciated Him, you never thanked Him for providing for you, or said thanks for being there for me. Now just imagine that you never had fellowship with him, and now all of a sudden there is something extra that you need, is He going to be willing to give it you. He will always provide with what you need but are you going to receive the extra things? I would say not. The same thing with the Lord if you are not in constant prayer with the Lord He is not going to take you serious. Your needs will be provided, but what about those extra things, those times you need something done in a hurry, He wont be inclined to answer.

A faithful prayer life results in prayers being answered. That’s what we all long for in the Lord. I want to look at the end of the verse I posted at the top( James 5:16) it says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much". If you look in the greek language where the new testament was written you see an amazing verse of scripture here:

The word effectual means: to be active; to work or operate.

The word fervent means: strained or stretched out.

The words availeth much means: prevail greatly.

God has shown us in this little verse how we can have a successful prayer life. It is simple be active in your prayer work at it, strain in your prayers be passionate with God put your heart in it, be truthful and sincere and we see that it will prevail greatly in the end. I hope this will be of some help you, just know Jesus wants you to be faithful in communication remember He said this “ thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many” .

God bless you and be faithful in prayer and watch God do miracles in your life.
Bro Jimmy Galgano

Feb 22 "Victory" Read I John 5:1-5

Reading 1 John 5: 1-5 teaches us many things, but we want to focus on key verse I John 5:4, "This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith".

Being a man or woman of faith in a difficult time is itself a victory. ANYBODY can give up. ANYBODY can despair. It is not easy to keep one's faith when things go to pieces around you.

In the hardest hour of His life, Jesus told the disciples they need not to be afraid because he had "overcome the world".

He had refused to be overcome by adverse conditions. He had not given into to pressures which would lead Him to doubt God's control (how many many times I, personally do this to my Friend and Father, Jesus Christ).

When a man keeps clear in his own mind the assurance that the right does win because it is held in God's will, that the wrong does fail and it is against God's will, that one's life is safer in God's hands than anywhere else, that the people one loves are safer there also - that is a victory in itself.

A man always wins in the Spirit of God, the Name of Jesus, and Pleading of the Blood of Christ!

Dear God, help us to realize the victory we have in Jesus, to fellowship and pray with you daily for strength, faith and power to always win.

Help us pray for one another. Who has come to your mind that you need to bow your head and pray for right now? Maybe its you.
God Bless You,
Bro. David G

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20, 2010 In The Beginning...

Praise the Lord. Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church FACEBOOK page and BLOG is now up and this is just the beginning. The primary purpose of this blog will be for Bible Devotions which will link to our FACEBOOK page, but you should easily become a follower of our blog here, also. We will have guest speakers every once and awhile, who sure will encourage and enrich your life. If you have any suggestions, please email us:

Pray for one another, and spread the Word!