Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 23 "A Faithful Prayer Life" James 5:16

Read James 5:16...

I would like to talk for just a few moments on the one thing most of us, well, all of us are lacking in our life, and that is having a faithful prayer life.

As a Born Again Christian our number one tool is our prayer life, you might not think so, but take your prayers away and see how your life is, see how you family life is, see how your church life is. I would say it would be pretty bad. I have come to find out in my walk with Jesus that the more faithful I am in my prayers and alone time with Him, the more prayers He answers.

Think of this for one moment, if you never talked your father at home, you never told him how much you appreciated Him, you never thanked Him for providing for you, or said thanks for being there for me. Now just imagine that you never had fellowship with him, and now all of a sudden there is something extra that you need, is He going to be willing to give it you. He will always provide with what you need but are you going to receive the extra things? I would say not. The same thing with the Lord if you are not in constant prayer with the Lord He is not going to take you serious. Your needs will be provided, but what about those extra things, those times you need something done in a hurry, He wont be inclined to answer.

A faithful prayer life results in prayers being answered. That’s what we all long for in the Lord. I want to look at the end of the verse I posted at the top( James 5:16) it says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much". If you look in the greek language where the new testament was written you see an amazing verse of scripture here:

The word effectual means: to be active; to work or operate.

The word fervent means: strained or stretched out.

The words availeth much means: prevail greatly.

God has shown us in this little verse how we can have a successful prayer life. It is simple be active in your prayer work at it, strain in your prayers be passionate with God put your heart in it, be truthful and sincere and we see that it will prevail greatly in the end. I hope this will be of some help you, just know Jesus wants you to be faithful in communication remember He said this “ thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many” .

God bless you and be faithful in prayer and watch God do miracles in your life.
Bro Jimmy Galgano

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