Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feb 25 "Leaven in you Life?" Read Matthew 13, Plus...

Scripture Reading:

Matthew 13 (Key Verse 33)
Isaiah 14:7-12
1 John 1:9
1 Corinthians 5:6

In Matthew 13, we have one of the more intriguing chapters in the entire Bible. While almost entirely spoken by Jesus Christ and spoken mainly in parables, this chapter deals with the entire scope of the present age we live in (church age).

Take note: Interesting that there are seven parables about the church and we know that seven is Gods number of completion. So we have the complete church and the many different things that go on it.

In Matthew 13:33, we see the "Parable of the Leaven"...

Leaven is what you add to bread to make it rise and is always referenced in the Bible in an "evil" sense.

Leaven is a type of pride, the sin that got the devil thrown out of Heaven (read Isaiah 14:7-12) and the one sin that is usually the hardest for us to rid ourselves of! When you see the word "leaven" in the Bible, its referring to something bad.

Studying here, we see this woman took some leaven and allowed it into the meal she was making. Well, eventually that little bit of leaven made the whole meal bad. This teaches us that what we see as a "little" sin isn't little at all. If you are trying to do something good, while you are allowing a "little" sin in your life, then eventually it will override the good. It almost doesn’t seem fair to us, but we have to look at it from Gods standpoint. Right?

He has called us to be a "city on a hill", one that shines a light that will attract even the most wary strangers. But if it puts off a light that is dim, none will be attracted and we will not be in Gods will.

Its amazing how it happens to the best of us!

We just knowingly or unknowingly let the "little" sin in and before we know it, our life will not be what it once was...we don't get as excited, we are not as willing to witness, and before long we are cold on the Lord. I am sure most of us have been there and regretfully, some may be there now.

What an amazing God we serve!

No matter how much leaven (or sin) we allow into our life, He is always willing to remove it!

1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.

You might have let a "little" sin creep in, but God will take it away if you allow Him too. Be careful of the things you allow in your life. If they are not of God, they are no good! No matter how good it seems at the time, sin always brings bad fruit in the end.

The fruit of the Lord is always great and satisfactory to the soul!

One last verse I would like you to read: 1 Corinthians 5:6

Have a great day in the Lord!
Bro Jimmy Galgano

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