Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 22 "Victory" Read I John 5:1-5

Reading 1 John 5: 1-5 teaches us many things, but we want to focus on key verse I John 5:4, "This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith".

Being a man or woman of faith in a difficult time is itself a victory. ANYBODY can give up. ANYBODY can despair. It is not easy to keep one's faith when things go to pieces around you.

In the hardest hour of His life, Jesus told the disciples they need not to be afraid because he had "overcome the world".

He had refused to be overcome by adverse conditions. He had not given into to pressures which would lead Him to doubt God's control (how many many times I, personally do this to my Friend and Father, Jesus Christ).

When a man keeps clear in his own mind the assurance that the right does win because it is held in God's will, that the wrong does fail and it is against God's will, that one's life is safer in God's hands than anywhere else, that the people one loves are safer there also - that is a victory in itself.

A man always wins in the Spirit of God, the Name of Jesus, and Pleading of the Blood of Christ!

Dear God, help us to realize the victory we have in Jesus, to fellowship and pray with you daily for strength, faith and power to always win.

Help us pray for one another. Who has come to your mind that you need to bow your head and pray for right now? Maybe its you.
God Bless You,
Bro. David G

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