Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thurs June 10 "April's Email" Bible Reading: James 5

In the family of God, we don't know all of our relatives, but someday we will all meet in Heaven, (if we know Jesus and have ask Him to save us)!

I don't know April Turner, but she sent this email tonight and even though I dont know her, I felt the Witness of God when I read her email...and April, though I have never met you, your email was a blessing, and I know others will feel the same (who know the Lord Jesus).

I'm sure April won't mind our sharing her email with our Facebook followers. The family of God is a big one, and this is what it is all about!

James 5:16B, "...the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

April: Here's something that you can give your Pastor, a song called, "THE BIBLE STANDS" ...(he can google the music and Lyrics, but part of this song is grand and reads):

The Bible stands every test we give it,

For its Author is divine;

By grace alone I expect to live it,

And to prove and to make it mine.

Chorus:The Bible stands though the hills may tumble,

It will firmly stand when the earth shall crumble;

I will plant my feet on its firm foundation,

For the Bible stands.

God Bless You as you pray!

Bro Dave Gindlesperger

CMBC Facebook Moderator

Here is April's email:
My Dear Friend,
First of all thank you for adding me as a friend. It's great to have Christian friends. I attend Phoenix Baptist Church in Lansing NC. We have this program called the care ministry. We send cards to people who are sick, discouraged, and who have lost a loved one recently. I was reading Circuit Riders post and immediately dropped all that I was doing to pray for Sister Libby and Brother David. Is there any way possible that you can send me an address to Libby and David? I don't know them but that's Christians, I believe it is our duty to pray for others. I pray for healing if it be God's will. If not, I pray for comfort and strength in the days ahead. I am so thankful we can lift one another in prayer. I ask that when you pray that you remember one of our church members, Bernard Calhoun and wife Maude. Bernard just found out he has liver cancer. It started out as the size of a baseball and in a weeks time grew to the size of a grapefruit. He's currently in Charlotte from the last report I recieved. Also please pray for our Pastor, Jeff Dollar. A member in our church is against him preaching from the King James Bible. I will continue to pray for Libby and David. Please keep me updated. I will also mention their name tonight at church and put them on our prayer request.

April Turner


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