Monday, June 14, 2010

Tues June 15 "Cleanup" Bible Reading: John 8

John 8: 31-32
"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I am thankful today that I have a church that feels like home. We had church cleanup Saturday.

Strange as it may sound, it was a lot of fun. We mulched, rearranged, cleaned, joked, laughed, and had a great time. I’m happy to be associated with that group of people. Our church stands on God’s holy word. All too often, people in churches just can’t get along. Disputes inside the church keep everyone confused and off focus. Turmoil with other churches keeps lost people out. I DON’T WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN THAT KIND OF RELIGION.

I want to hear about the Ten Commandments, seas parting, manna from heaven, and honey for my journey. I want to hear about a God that can speak worlds into existence, about pillars of cloud and fire, and giants slain by boys with slingshots. I want to hear about sacrifices soaked with water being consumed by fire from heaven, about the widow’s pot of oil and meal, about the Lord, my light and my salvation: Whom shall I fear? Or the beliefs our church is founded on like the virgin birth. About 5,000 men being fed with a child’s lunch, water being turned into wine, waves about to sink the disciple’s boat but being under my Savior’s feet – “Let not your heart be troubled.”

About the trial of an innocent Jesus, His crucifixion, the blood He shed for ME, about Him being dead for three full days, but then standing up alive, full of grace and mercy and love.

These are the foundational building blocks of a strong church and a strong Christian. If we all stay focused on Jesus and God’s word we will be a much stronger group of people…God’s church.

Bro Kevin Winebarger

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