Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 12 "SAVED!!!!!!!!" Read: Romans 3

Friday morning I pulled up the emails and found an email from Rianna Barker, and oh what a blessing! With tears, I read through the email and it blessed my heart so much and it was in God's time. I ask Rianna if I could post it as a devotion to our Facebook and share it with our church (and I will), but I want our faithful FACEBOOK followers to have it first...are you ready?

Rianna Barker
April 9, 2010 at 10:09am
Subject: Saved!!!!!!!!

My name is Rianna Barker. This year makes the fourth my family and I has visited your church to see the "He's Alive" play which is absolutely wonderful!!! The first time we went my husband, Keith and son Chandler were both saved!! Glory to God!!!

My husband had been on drugs, mostly meth and marijuana, for several years. We had lost everything, house, his business, car and truck but most importantly he was lost. I would pray nights on end even days on end for something to change. I really don't know how I even stayed. He could get very abusive at times. Our children and I would just be on egg shells all the time. Trying not to set him off.

Then one night while he slept I laid there praying for something to change I just didn't think I could do it much longer if something didn't change soon. I talked with him and he didn't get angry. The first time in years. His boss, Mitchell Poe, invited us to see your play soon after the talk I had with him. So we went.

I was so nervous I cried the entire play!

Then the hell scene came and when the boy came out and said "Dad, why didn't you tell me Jesus is real" Keith was touched. I could tell. I started praying so hard and when the alter call came he was the first one to hit his knees then Chandler went.

Then my daughter Cassandra and myself went to the alter too!! I thought I had been saved at 12, maybe I was, but that night I was sure of it!! Cassandra had been saved at a VBS when she was 6, Hallelujah!! She is a very spiritual girl always has been. She is 16 now and we all need your prayers! Our neighbors let her ride to church with them and the church they took her to is the church we are now members of!! My husband and I are even youth group leaders!! Praise the Lord!!!

So I am sending you guys a huge THANK YOU for putting on the play year after year. I know it's a lot of work and very tiring but the blessings received from your hard work is well worth the effort. We always bring someone lost with us praying the play will touch them as it has us. Our lives were changed forever!!

Again THANK YOU AND THANK GOD for the blessings we receive there every year!!

God bless you all!


Rianna Barker
April 9, 2010 at 3:53pm
Re: Saved!!!!!!!!
I too cried the whole time I was writing this to you. The Lord has been leading me to let you all of you at Cornerstone know how thankful we are for what you do every year. Today I stumbled across your FB page. God works through everything even technology.

Yes, you can use this in any way you feel lead too. I will just be praying it will sow some seeds or even save someone just one would be worth all of it.

Thank you too, for the devotion page I spent all morning reading it.

I'll always be praying for you guys!!!

God bless all of you!!

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