Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 8 "Where Are You?" Read: Ecc Chapter 4

Introduction to Today's Devotion:

Tonight in church, my heart broke for some of my brothers and sisters in Christ who may feel alone this very minute. I know this feeling because I have been there. I know how badly my brothers and sisters in Christ need to have me (as a born again believer) make an attempt to go see them, to go above and beyond what I fall short of so very many times... I know this feeling because I have been there. Even though I haven't been around my church family long, the Spirit of God has bound my soul with so many there, and I need a touch from God and the Holy Spirit to do His will today. I trust in the name of Jesus that this devotion will allow us to examine our relationships to every precious folk who need our love and comfort.

Part One:

Ecc 4:10 says, "For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up."

If you feel in any way that you be reckoned a great lover of God, but cannot find it in your heart to love everyone, then lets examine ourselves. I mean true genuine, Godly love for all because if we are in the family of God, the life love bloodline of God is in our spirit.

Someone in God's family may fall or fall weak, he may be lost for want of a little help from us. If a man fall into sin, his friend will help to restore him with a spirit of meekness. If we fall into trouble, God's family should be there (as God is) to comfort our brothers & sisters in Christ and lift our grief.

God help us, to keep the focus on Jesus, then others, and ourselves last!

Part Two:

Are you provoking others to love and good works as Hebrews 10:24 tells us to do? "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works?"

Don't ask yourself, let someone ask those that know you...that's how you will know if you are living a small part of this love of God, this spirit, knowing how to restore, to comfort all the time, folks! Oh help us not to hear, "where are you?" or "where were you?" when we are to be different.

Ecc 4:12 says, "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken"...this teaches us that two together is compared to a threefold cord; for where two are closely joined in love and fellowship, Christ will by His Spirit come to them and make the third. Praise the Lord! How important it is to surrender all and obey God.

If we don't obey God's Word in dealing with such precious people in our lives, church and family, we literally break the threefold cord of what God is trying to do. What a responsibility we have as God's people!

I don't know your heart. I know my heart, and we have precious people who need us right now. Help us, Jesus to take the time to write a note, to make that phone call, or to get in our car(s) and drive down the mountain...Christ working in us makes the difference.

Nothing that is worthwhile is easy, only one life so soon it will pass, only what's done for Christ will last, only one chance to do His will, so give to Jesus everything!

Please let me know if I can do anything for you,

Bro Dave Gindlesperger

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