Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 15 "PROUD TO BE A CHRISTIAN" Phil 1:20

Read your Bible in Philippians 1:20 KJV

I would like to start out today by sharing the terrible news of what is going to take place Friday at Watauga High School, they are having “gay pride day”.

What an abomination to the Lord that is, people celebrating such immorality, people taking pride in being a sodomite (that’s the bible term for homosexual).

Friend, what has the world come to when we allow the school system to impose such filth and immorality to our young people? The world wonders why kids are the way they are, its because the world has NO standards anymore! No longer is America proud to be a Christian nation, in fact our president claims to the world that we are not a Christian nation anymore!!

Its time we call sin-sin and immorality-immorality and not just an alternative lifestyle.

Being proud to be a sodomite is an abomination unto God. The world is proud to be what they are and they are on the FAST track to hell for it, its time we as Christians be proud of who we are and who we serve.

A lost person has nothing to be proud of! There is no pride in sin or a hell bound sinner. The Bible says, there in "none righteous, no not one".

The day we got saved we obtained something to be proud of!

Friend, we should be proud to be a Christian. We should not be ashamed, yet we should BOLDLY proclaim the blood of Jesus Christ wherever we go!

I don’t have much in this life but I can proudly say MY FATHER owns it all.

This world makes a prideful statement that they can clone a man, well I can PROUDLY say my God formed man out of the dust of the earth, I haven’t seen a scientist that’s done that yet! The world tries to say with pride that we descended from animals but I can PROUDLY say I am wonderfully created in the image of MY GOD and my heritage lies in heaven and not in some animal.

I don’t know the US President personally and quite frankly I don’t want too, but I am PROUD to say I know the KING of KINGS and the LORD OF LORDS and I have talked with Him today!


Am proud to be saved, am proud of the cross, I am proud of the blood of Jesus, I am proud of that ole’ KING JAMES BIBLE, I am proud of being a Son of God, I am proud to be an ole’ time Baptist. THANK GOD I CAN STAND AND SAY TODAY THAT I WOULD RATHER BE AN OLD TIME CHRISTIAN THAN ANYTHING I KNOW!!

You should never be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ and the Blood of Jesus, we can be proud of a lot of things,but unless its being Proud of Jesus, its probably not worth being proud about.

You and I cant glory in anything “Save the Cross of OUR Lord Jesus Christ”...

I am calling all Christians to take a stand Friday - don't send kids to Watauga High School, protest their “ SODOMITE PRIDE DAY”.

Pastor Jimmy Galgano
Clifton Baptist Church

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