Monday, April 26, 2010


A Father’s Confidence

The other day I was talking with a gentleman I’ve known for a few years. Somehow, our conversation turned to his son, who I also know. The father told me that a neighbor had accused his son of trespassing onto another neighbor’s land, breaking the law. When the second neighbor asked my friend about it he said, “Has ‘Jason’ been coming on my land? He knows I don’t allow anyone to.” My friend simply replied, “No, I asked him not to and I know my son would honor my request.” He had all the confidence in the world in his son. He didn’t have to call and ask “Jason” if he had been trespassing. The father knew he hadn’t been because he had asked his son not to. It reminds me of the story of Job.

Read Job 1: Job was a wealthy man, a man who feared God and hated evil. He was blessed with ten children, thousands of sheep, oxen and camels. We find that he was the greatest of the men of the east. He continually rose up early to offer burnt offerings and to seek God. We all know the story, how Satan shows up and asks God for a contest to see if Job will curse God. God says, with all confidence, that Job is perfect and upright, that he “feareth the Lord and hates evil.” God didn’t have to send for Job and ask if he was up to the task. God was confident that he was because He knew Job; He knew that Job put Him first and He remembered Job getting up early all those mornings, seeking God’s will in his life.

Now, let me just say that I am confident in God. I have been blessed with more than any man deserves. I have a beautiful wife and daughter, a roof over my head, food in my stomach, shoes and clothes. I have an able body, fit to do work. And just like in Job 1:10, God does bless the work of my hands. I’m not trying to boast but God has blessed me and I am confident in God. But this chapter made me question something: just how confident is God in me? I mean, could God look Satan in the eye and say, “Consider my son Kevin Winebarger. He won’t let me down"... I don’t think He could. Then God revealed to me that He can say, “Consider my Son, Jesus, Who died and rose again and when Kevin Winebarger asked for My grace, the Blood was applied to his soul and although his flesh is not perfect, My grace is sufficient. And in his weakness My strength is made perfect.” You see, He’s still workin’ on me…and you. But we’re not perfect, and can’t be as long as we live in this ol’ flesh. But if we strive to be more of what God needs us to be, God can and will put more and more confidence in us. Now back to our story...

After some investigation, it turned out that no, “Jason” had not trespassed. In fact, the accusing neighbor was the real trespasser. And just like the accuser of the brethren, he was trying to blame shift. But it didn’t work…because of a father’s confidence.

Too each of you a blessed week!

Bro Kevin Winebarger

CMBC Facebook Writer

1 comment:

  1. wow! This is a great message, very insightful and should make us all stop and ask...."Does God have confidence in me!" Great job on this Kevin.
