Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27 "Bible Doctrine Does Matter" Proverbs 4:2

“Bible Doctrine Does Matter”
Proverbs 4:2 KJV

Today (more than ever) we as Christians need to study our Bible more and more and understand the doctrines of the Bible. The word doctrine means teaching, so basically we need to understand what the Bible teaches on every subject so we aren’t misled by false teachers. We live in a time where there is more false teaching than there is true teaching of the word of God. But that’s just a fulfillment of the Bible.

2 Timothy 2:3 KJV says this, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine: but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears" The true doctrine of the word of God is essential for us to “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” thus its essential for us to know what the Bible teaches on subjects so we will be able to "stand against the wiles of the devil."

Bible doctrine is left out of the majority of pulpits in America today. Bible doctrine is needed so that when a false teacher comes along, you will be able to tell the real from the counterfeit. Studying the Word of God will help us grow as Christians.

Can I say this? The type of Church you go to matters more than anything in the world. Other than making the choice to be saved, the most important decision you make is where you go to Church. There is a movement going on that is against denominational systems, that says it doesn’t matter where you go to church as long as you go. It does matter where you go to church, it does matter that the preacher stand on the truths of Gods word. I know denominations aren’t in the Bible, but neither is having Sunday school, or Wednesday night service, or having singings, or having plays, so do we quit doing them also? Why no! The denominational system is set up so people know before they go into a church what that church stands on and believes. I urge each one of you to learn some Bible doctrine, to study what the word of God says and stand on it. I know I am not a popular preacher but I stand on the KJV Bible. There isn’t one flaw in the KJV Bible. The Bible says “study to show thyself approved”.

We need to understand Gods word today more than ever so that we can know those who preach and teach lies. Im not talking about running them down and calling names but able to identify truth from error. I urge each of you to study your Bible, to study doctrinal beliefs in the Bible. A good thing to help you start in your studies would be to get a copy of the 24 Articles of Faith of the Independent Baptist Church. It will be a big help to you, you will grow beyond belief, when you dig into the word of God. And remember DOCTRINE DOES MATTER.

Pastor Jimmy Galgano
Clifton Baptist Church

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