Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 21 "Listening to the Still Small Voice" Read: 1 Kings 19:1-13

Read 1 Kings 19:1-13 & John 10 in the KJV Bible...

Have you listened this morning to the still small voice of the Lord Jesus Christ? I guess if you are like me then most of the time when we talk to talk to God we are listening for some kind of audible voice.

We are looking for the earth to move, looking for all the signs in heaven, when all we have to do is just be still and listen. Stop trying to figure out the mind of God, stop overcomplicating your prayer life and looking for God in all the big things. Our Lord works in ways that we don’t know. The Bible says, "His thoughts are higher than ours", we will never figure out all the things of God. If we could come to recognize His voice and His call we would be a lot better off.

The Bible says in John 10:3, “ the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name and leadeth them out” This is why we have so many denominations and false doctrines because people aren’t listening to the small voice of the Lord. Rather, they are following their own hearts and minds and have brought many bad things into the world because of it.

Friend, that still small voice of the Lord is one we have to learn to trust with all of our hearts. God will never lead you to do something against the Bible, its not God telling you! New revelations don't exist, all the revelation we need has been penned down in our King James Bible inspired by God. The still small voice of God that speaks to you will NEVER contradict His written word. How do you know its God that speaks in that small voice? BY FAITH, BY FAITH, BY FAITH!!! He will never lead you into doing something that you cant handle. So many times we feel like God is telling us to do something, then the voice of the devil convinces us that it wasn’t God. He tells us if it was God, you would see a sign, but friend, God just wants you to trust in Him and not look for signs.

The Bible says “ a wicked generation seeketh after a sign.” I urge you friend, to learn the voice of the Lord, listen to His sweet call, listen for Him to speak to you, to speak to your heart, that place that He alone can speak too.. There’s nothing in this world that compares to talking with God.

If you are saved, you know His voice if you are lost. you wont know it or recognize it. What a day it would be for you if you’ve never been saved to call upon His name and ask Him to save you. And to the saved person...what a day it would be for you if you could just stop looking for the earthquake and the fire and just listen to that still small voice.

I feel as though God would have me bring this point out before I close...

After you read this please read JOHN 10...it says the sheep that know God will not follow another mans voice( I paraphrased that). In saying that, if you constantly are doing things that are out of Gods will, constantly falling into all kinds of trouble, and going on with every kind of false doctrine in the world, I would urge you to ask God if you are one of His! I know that is pretty harsh, but friend, I would rather you make sure that you are saved than to live life doing everything you want to do and be lost.


Pastor Jimmy Galgano
Clifton Baptist Church

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