Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14 “Putting More Time In Christ Than In The World”

Read in your Bible: Matthew 9: 36-38

Working for the Lord to many Christians in these days is almost like having to go to the dentist, its avoided as much as possible.

It's an alarming trend to see what is taking place in most churches and in the lives of your everyday Christian. Working for the Lord is being put behind everything and everyone else and its easy to see because we see a dramatic decline in salvations every year.

I am so saddened to see the lack of desire from the church (body of believers), it seems as though people have become satisfied with just being saved. Well I’m here to tell you the Lord is not pleased at all with sitting around and doing nothing. He talks of people being in a “lukewarm” state and He said to them He would spew them out of His mouth. I would hate to be in that position, in a state where the Lord was completely dissatisfied with my work for Him, with my desire to serve Him.

Don’t take for granted what the Lord has for you, He has called you into His service, I don’t know about you, but that is the highest calling in the world.

Seems as though we put more of an emphasis on Church league baseball and basketball rather than a Church league of soul winners that are more interested in working for God than playing some game! This is where Church's are going wrong, we have let the world slipped right in, we invited them in and now slowly but surely we’ve become uninterested in WORK! And more interested in play, play, play! Don’t get me wrong, sports aren’t bad...there’s just no place in the church for them because it takes away from the real work, from the visiting, from teaching babes in Christ, from singings, and revivals. Anything that takes away our attention from the work of the Lord is not of God.

Listen, we are living in the last days “ the harvest truly is plenteous” and there are souls in abundance that need us to tell them about Jesus.

Isn’t that exciting to know you could lead someone to the Lord but you gotta work at it. The Bible says also that the labourers are few, that’s probably the understatement of the year!

Friend, the Lord needs you to put the games at church aside and focus on working for Him, focus on His work and be excited about it.

Its time the churches and individuals put more time in Christ than everything else. Most people put in forty hours a week at work and maybe 2 hours a week into Jesus, something is wrong with that.

Once you fall in love with Jesus, there is no getting burnt out on serving Him, don’t ever make the mistake of letting the devil say you’re doing too much, that’s impossible!

Friend, I urge you to put more time into working for Jesus than playing games, and doing all the things you used to do; try to take that spare time and use it to help someone out.

Time is running out for millions of souls every year, we need to stop wasting time and start doing more. Im not saying to stop doing all the things that you love, but more like get your priorties in line “ get your ducks in a row”.

Revival fires are burning, if we don't tell others, who will?

Pastor Jimmy Galgano, Clifton Baptist Church

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