Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21 "Quiet, Please!" Proverbs 17:28

When I was young, and used to have to go to the library, I would always see that sign that said, "Quiet, Please!"

If and when you did speak in the library, you had to be very quiet.

Even though I saw friends in the library and wanted to talk and catch up, I had to refrain from doing wasn't the place to do so...

The knowledge wasn't in the words of others, it was in the books the lined the walls and I quickly learned the two didnt mix...and I also learned that the less I said, the more knowledge I gained because I wasn't busy talking, I was busy reading and listening...

Anytime I was being taught or I was learning, it demanded that I, (myself) just needed to be quiet...

PROV 17:28, "Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."

Sometimes the Lord would have us to just be quiet with Him, be quiet in church and be quiet at home.

Did you know that many folks think that when its time to share a testimony or voice our opinion that we think others may think we have knowledge by doing so?

The Bible tells us the opposite is true...that a man of knowledge and understanding is sparing of his words; and will be reckoned a wise man by those that don't even know him! The Bible teaches that most times we just need to plainly "shutteth our lips" [and] he that shutteth his lips [is esteemed] a man of understanding ; and keeps them shut, lest he should say anything rashly and hastily; a man that has so much command of himself as not to speak unadvisedly, through the heat of his own passions, and through the provocations of others, will pass for a man that understands himself, and knows how to behave well before others.

When given the chance, be careful when you speak, and let the man of God speak to others about the way that God would have us to live. God knows our heart, and the fool that is bound there, so let us glorify God by holding our peace and in good terms, most of the time!

As everyday Christians, let's speak to God, and when we use our tongue, let it be for the reasoning of sharing the gospel alone, otherwise we should truly think before we speak...and speak less than more often!

Bro Dave G

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