Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 28 "Family In Crisis" Publication

The Family in Crisis

New figures show that increasing numbers of children in America are being born out of wedlock. According to statistics gathered by the Pew Research Center from census reports, 41 percent of American babies in 2008 did not have married parents. That’s a striking increase of 13 percent from findings in 1990, when 28 percent of babies were born out of wedlock in our nation.What does this mean?It means that our society is losing its way morally. And children are the victims.

In our schools, we have traded the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule for situational ethics and sexual ambiguity. Children learn that there is no real right or wrong and when they become adults they live out this creed, jumping into sexual relationships at will.In the media, sexual imagery is splashed in our faces all the time. As a man, I know how important it is to depend on the Christ who lives in me to keep my mind clean. But our culture constantly battles us in this regard. Men get the message hammered into their minds that women are sexual creatures for their pleasure, and this thinking becomes a part of their existence. Watch a “dating” show on TV some time. It’s downright shocking.This is certainly not what God intended for us.

Oh, how we need the Lord today in our homes, churches and in our society, in this order.We must have revival and we can’t expect it to begin in the White House, the State House or the School House, but in God’s House. Judgment must begin at the House of God.Are we as Christians just going to sit around and do nothing to bring our country back to God?

I don’t believe most of us know how bad a shape we are in. We have been blessed so much in America that many of us don’t believe that we could end up like a third world country. We are in deep trouble and we really need God’s help.May each of us make a new commitment to turn back to God and get our families back to God and in church and pray, pray, pray.

God bless each of you!

Pastor Delmar James

Proffit’s Grove Baptist Church

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