Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April 1 "The Strength Of Gods Presence" Psalm 23

"The Strength Of Gods Presence"
When we go through hard times, God does not promise answers, but He does promise His presence.

Psalm 23:4 is a familiar passage and yet we overlook the promise of His presence: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

During hard times, we often wonder, "Why does God let this happen? Why should I be 'punished' as though I'm doing something wrong, when I'm trying to do what is right?" The Bible never answers these questions, even in the book of Job, in which a man who lived close to God's heart encountered tremendous hardships. The Bible simply tells us how to respond to hardships - positively, properly, and biblically.

The Scriptures can give us comfort. When we experience troubles, it's the presence of the Shepherd that makes the difference as that of the shepherd to his flock of sheep when they are in trouble.

Those around us need to see that when we go through hard times, we don't have all the answers. But we have Jesus Christ - the one to whom we are personally related. He IS there, uplifting, encouraging, strengthening, guiding, and loving us through anything we face, and He is walking through it all right with us. He will not abandon fact in times of trouble, He draws closer. What does James 4:8 say? Find your Bible, read it, and memorize the promise He gives.

God's presence makes the difference between those who stand up and those who fold up when hard times hit. We are able to go on - not because we feel no pain, but because we feel the comfort of His presence.
Would you leave your child if they were in trouble? Neither will God leave His children...its His promise in His Word.

Ask God to help you use the hardest times in your life as a stepping stone to know Him better and to experience His presence in a greater way than ever before, and ask God to cross your path with someone who needs what you are learning and practicing right now - the strength of Gods presence!

Bro Dave Gindlesperger
CMBC Facebook Moderator

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