Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 4 "The Rose that Never Fades" Read: Song of Solomon 2...


Key Verse: Song of Solomon 2:1

Have you ever received something so great and wished that it could last forever? Then over time it goes away or its beauty diminishes and its just not the same. We have all had it happen, we have all seen relationships fail, we have had heartaches, we have seen the most stable things in our lives just simply vanish away as quickly as they came.

But I am here today to tell you of a gift that will never go away, it will never lose its beauty or fragrance. It cannot be taken away or even given away once received. I am talking about the Rose of Sharon, our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Bible reading above, we see Solomon and a shulamite woman talking back and forth, commenting on one another and trying to win each other over. Solomon makes a statement to her, “ I am the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley.”

If we study this entire book we see it goes far beyond Solomon and his bride. In detail, it is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church (the bride of Christ). I can safely say when you asked the Lord Jesus into your heart you received “The Rose of Sharon” and He will never fade away, nor should He lose His fragrance.

What a gift we have in the Lord, and yet we take it for granted what the Lord done for us.

Did you know many feel that to get the full fragrance of a rose that you must crush the rose? It will then release a fragrance more beautiful than ever before!

Dear friend, you think of Jesus Christ while He hung on that rugged cross, how He was crushed for you and I. The Bible says in Isaiah 53:5 “But he was wounded for our transgressions: He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

So there on Calvary out of the crushed Rose of Sharon came forth a beautiful fragrance called GRACE!

Everyone that has been a partaker of this grace can say it is the greatest gift they have ever received.

Can you say that today?

Is Jesus the best thing that has ever happened to you?

Is He better than anyone or anything?

Is He the most divine gift ever placed in front of you?

If you received Him I can guarantee you answer is an emphatic YES!

Jesus wont fade away with time. Man has been trying to discard Him for some two thousand years. Hes alive and well today and blooming on the right hand of the Father in Heaven. What a gift you have in Him, don’t take Him for granted, don’t leave Him on the shelf somewhere.

Proudly display Him by living your life for Him EVERYDAY. Just always know when all things fade away or go on somewhere else, you’ll always have a Rose that will not fade, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever….Hebrews 13:8”

May God Bless You Friend!
Pastor Jimmy Galgano, Clifton Baptist Church

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