Monday, March 22, 2010


Poem written by Christopher Warner.

His testimony: "I was inspired to write this poem after my grandmother died. I was in jail and I had lost everything then JESUS came into my life and saved me! JESUS inspired me to do great things in my life and to work for him. JESUS really did save my life and He can save yours too...all you have to do is ask. Thanks for reading my poem:"


I Love JESUS CHRIST Because He Saved My Life,

And The Main Thing That He Has Done For Me Was Teach Me To Do Right.

I Used To Live My Life With Pounds And Pounds Of Sin,

But Then He Touched My Heart Time And Time Again!

I Thank JESUS CHRIST For Forgiving All My Sins,

And For Being My Guardian Angel So I've Been Blessed Again!

I Hope JESUS Knows How I Love Him So,

Because How Much I Love Him You May Never Know!

He Has Always Been There For Me Through All The Roughest Times,

Including That One Time When My Grandma Died.

He Was Even There For Me All Those Times I Cried,

When All I Wanted To Do Was Go Out And Get High.

But JESUS Is My Savior And He Saved Me From That Life,

That Really Horrible Life Where I Could Have Died.

And He Helped Me To See My Life In A Different Way,

And Now I Tell Him That I Love Him Every Single Day!

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