Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10 "What happened Wednesdays Devotion?"

I have to apologize to Facebook readers that I missed Wednesday's devotion. We have battled the storm of our lives this week. I feel the closer I get to the Lord, the harder the devil tries to defeat me through doubt, fear, and our family. I have never seen the devil try and destroy Christian folk like I have this week...hes working terrible discord in our family and I cannot testify of Gods goodness because of bitterness and hatred rooted in our family. Our hearts are broken and nothing we do helps. We cannot do anything to help the situation, we have to let the cloud of hopelessness roll by and trust Jesus in the midst of heartache and tears.

I want to ask forgiveness for not posting today's devotion.

I went to Facebook to post Bro Delmar's devotion for Thursday and my Pastor's wife, Mrs Kelly Proffit popped up and told us that she missed us this evening in church...(I had an auto accident). She gave me this counsel and I dont think she will mind if I post it. God has given me a great Pastor in Bro Eric and his wife, and family. How blessed am I...

"Family life today has been distorted for some people by self and the world but any negative words like disappointment come from the devil. Just think God did not make disappointments...He made his children in his image. He forgets when we mess up, but people tend not to & don't forget what the Bible says about "if you don't forgive your brother he will not hear your prayers" and when we mess up the devil is the one who plants those feelings in our minds"

I just now go to the email box to pull Bro Delmar's devotion, and I cannot believe it...God knew in advance and put this on Bro Delmar's heart for me! All for me.

Im glad Im saved, and God loves me.

Thank You,

David Gindlesperger
CMBC Facebook Moderator

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