Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22 "Walking in the Freedom of Salvation"

Walking in the freedom of Salvation

Freedom in Salvation through Jesus Christ!

What an amazing gift the Lord has bestowed upon those whose believe in Him!

I can remember a time when I was so bound up by my sins that I couldn’t even really live my life in any kind of enjoyable way.

Have you ever been there or are there now?

Its most definitely a miserable place to be. Freedom is something millions of men and women have given their life for. Its something that’s an inalienable right, given from God himself. But our sins separate us from this right because sin binds us. Sin takes us further than we ever thought it would, makes us do things we never thought we would do, and it keeps us there longer than we could ever have imagined.

The Bible talks about when we are living in sin we are slaves. Now if you think about it, that’s a very true statement. But thank the Lord that He is willing to set us free from all the bondages of sin. Im so thankful that once we are saved we are free to love, to have joy, to have real friendships, to have the peace of God in our lives.

To walk in the freedom we have is something the world would give all its money to obtain, and we obtained freely through His grace. Jesus Christ shed his blood on Calvary, all alone that day he paid for the freedom that I cherish and hold onto with all my life. Maybe you feel bound down today, the stress of life has gotten to you, remember you are free! In fact Paul says “stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free.” So, its up to us to keep living a free life, its up to you and I to leave sin alone and enjoy salvation. Yes it is possible to be saved and then be caught up and bound in sin, but there is always a remedy too!! Its called confession to the Lord, and it will bring freedom in like a flood.

How great it is to be free free free from this world of sin!

Pastor Jimmy Galgano
Clifton Baptist Church

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