Monday, March 15, 2010

March 16 "Are You Rapture Ready?" 1 Thess 4

Are You Rapture Ready?
(1Thessalonians 4: 13-18)
Imagine with me for a moment, and take the time to examine yourself and when its all said and done ask yourself “Am I ready for the rapture?”

Its Tuesday, the 16th day of March 2010 and you wake up just like you’ve done every other day. Nothing different today...the weather is the same (maybe a little on the cool side), just another day and off to work or school you go...

No thoughts that today might just be the day that Lord returns?

By now, the Sunday Service is a vague memory. You might remember bits in pieces of what the preacher said, something about “you better be ready for the Lord could come” or “make sure you are saved and not deceived."

You thought maybe the preacher wasn’t talking to you, or possible you thought that your life WASN'T what the Bible says that it should be...

Does this sound familiar at all to you? Did you take heed to the call of the preacher on Sunday? Did you make sure you are saved?

Today rolls by with no worries, no cares in the world. Its lunch time now and you slip off into the break room (or somewhere to escape) and turn on the news, it looks like the same 'ole same 'ole stuff. You see that another earthquake has torn another country into pieces, (it’s the 3rd or 4th one in the last couple of months), and you think how sad this is once again.

The news just keeps getting worse and worse, there are wars all over the globe and rumors of wars starting elsewhere, and you think how sad this is once again.

More bad news...a global epidemic breaking out, some new rare disease they've found, another child abducted and found dead, more Muslim violence, twenty five killed in another suicide bomb attack. How much worse can it get?

Then it comes...breaking news...America has turned their back on Israel, and has declared that America is no longer a Christian nation. New legislation is passed that makes it illegal to preach against sodomites or any other group. begins to sink in...all the things the preacher has been telling you about the Bible are coming true right before your very eyes!!

Then at that moment, it hits you like a ton of bricks...I'm not saved! My life isn’t what the bible says a Christians should be!! You scream, “ I NEED TO BE SAVED!”

Before you realize anything else, you notice that the women beside you is suddenly missing! You call home and no one remember how just earlier that morning, your wife begged you to listen to the preacher...


This is no joke it could happen that quick, ARE YOU RAPTURE READY?

Before you finish reading this devotion, it could be over...

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." Matthew 24:42

Pastor Jimmy Galgano
Clifton Baptist Church

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