Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 31 "What A Price for Salvation!" Read Isaiah 53

What A Price for Salvation! (Isaiah 53)

We live in a fast pace society and everyday seems so much faster than the day before. In the madness of life the thoughts of Calvary are left behind or are merely downplayed.

The cross was a shameful way for a man to die, in fact the Bible says “cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree” and then we forget. Why do we forget what Jesus went through on the cross? Because the cross has been commercialized as a symbol of "religion."

Please don’t take what I'm saying wrong, we should never forget the cross, but until Jesus died on the cross it was merely another 2 pieces of wood nailed together, and every cross after Him was just another cross. We need to put the empasis on Jesus the Lamb of God that took our shame when He freely gave His life on the cross. I really get tired of seeing the cross mis-used and messages not preached out of the pulpits regarding the cross. The message of the cross is what the Lord Jesus Christ did when he took on the shame of the cross. Think of how they spit in His face, how they mocked Him, cursed Him, put a crown of thorns on Him, and placed a purple robe on Him.

How Jesus must have felt; we cannot comprehend!

His worst shame that day? It was when the sinless Lamb of God took upon His shoulders our sin. He took upon Him all the curse words we utter, all the times we have done drugs or experienced drunkeness, all the hate we have had, all our bitterness, and every sin that has ever been committed...MY LORD AND MY Jesus took all my sin on Him that day!

Dear friend, we need to remember what Jesus did and how He done it ALONE! He had no one to help Him...not even God the Father, He alone took all my sin!

Oh how He must have felt when He cried “ My God, My God why has thou forsaken me!” and knowing that God didn’t even hear Him. The Bible says in Psalms 22:2 “O My God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest me not”. The Father turned His back and His ear to Jesus that day because He cannot look upon sin. Friend, the price for salvation came at the greatest cost in the world, it cost Jesus every drop of His blood, it cost Him the shame of the cross, and it cost Him the loneliness of being forsaken by the Father.

We need to remember the cross and proudly portray His message by using the cross in a respectable way. A cross tattoo for a Christian is not a respectable way using the cross, neither is using it to hang something else on, nor using it as a doormat.

We should display the cross and it alone, without anything added to it, to pretty it up, or with nothing taken away to hide the true nature of it. Please never forget what Jesus has done for you, it's more than the blessings, it’s the price He paid for you.

Please don’t use the cross in an inappropriate way. Remember the world uses the cross to show how religious they can be, its up to you and I to relay the true meaning!

Galatians 6:14, says "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."

Think about the Cross!
Pastor Jimmy Galgano

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