Monday, March 8, 2010

March 9 "He Hasn't Forgotten You" Read:Psa 40

He Hasn't Forgotten You!

Key Verse: Psalms 40:17

I was sitting here praying and trying to seek the Lord on what He wanted this devotion to be about, and then it struck me...I forgot to get my dogs in from outside! So I got up and headed out the door, I came to the cage, and there they were...cold, hungry and thirsty! I was the only one to provide for them. I looked at them and said “ Im sorry that I forgot about you” and then it all came to me like a flood.

Someone today is thinking that God has forgotten them, that He has cast you aside and left you alone!
Friend, Satan would have us believe this is true! The key verse above says, “I am poor and needy yet the Lord thinketh upon me.”

Its amazing to know that God is always thinking on the poor and needy, that’s all of us, and of ourselves we are poor and are in need of Him. You're not alone in this walk.

It reminds me of the children of Israel as they were coming through the wilderness, they complained about everything, and yet God provided manna from heaven and water from the rock.

Did you know that manna from Heaven is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ as the bread that feeds our soul?

The water from the rock is a picture of the Holy Spirit that teaches us of all things and is what sustains us here on Earth?

When we look around, we wil see that the Lord has provided fire for us in the dark nights of our life, and hes provided the cloud during the times it seems weve been tried by fire! Its no lie this Christian walk is tough sometimes and when you are doing things for Jesus its even that much tougher, but he hasn’t forgotten you.

Its actually quite opposite of that, if you read Malachi 3:16 we see that God is actually writing down the good things you are doing. That might not seem all that great now, but oh friend, just wait until you get to Heaven and stand in front of Jesus and he says, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” and gives you crowns for the things you’ve done for Him. I can imagine as we stand and look into His faithful eyes, we’ll know without a shadow of doubt that He was always there.

Through the good times and the bad, Hes there!

Through the night and through the day, Hes there!

In the storm and through the trials, Hes there!

Down in the valley and on the mountain, Hes there!

Don’t let the devil fool you or get you downtrodden and tell you that God has forgot about you.

Just tell the Devil this, “Devil my God left Heaven for me! He went through every temptation for me! He suffered for me! He died for me! He arose from the dead for me! One day he’ll throw you into a lake of fire for me! DEVIL, I PROMISE YOU if He was willing to do all that for me...He hasn’t forgot me now!”

God Bless You, friend!
Pastor Jimmy Galgano
Clifton Baptist Church

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