Monday, March 1, 2010

March 2 "Grapes in a Land of Giants" Read Numbers 13

Grapes in a Land of Giants!

Bible Reading: Numbers 13: 17-33

Friends, do you know the Lord wants our walk with Him to be enjoyable?

The Lord has set forth in front of you amazing things!

He has set blessings for you everywhere, but many times we let the obstacles in our paths dictate what we receive from God.

If you read the text see Israel in the wilderness right outside of Canaan land, a "land of rest" which God had promised them when they came out of Egypt. They are sitting right outside their place of rest and they send twelve men to spy out the land God had given them.

Mistake #1: They should have trusted God instead of trusting "men".

Sound familiar? Generally, we put more faith in "men" than we do in God.

So, these twelve men go into Canaan and come back with a report of the land. All twelve men saw the same thing, and ten of them gave a bad report of the land...“the land is inhabited with giants"..."we are but grasshoppers in their sight and ours!"

How many of us look at the giant in our life instead of looking what God has promised?

My friend, we need to stop looking at ourselves as "nothing" in Christ and start seeing ourselves as "something"in Christ. You are overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, an heir to heaven, a saint in the eyes of God! Before this world gets the best of you, remember..."we are more than conquerors through Him"...

Thanks be unto God that there is always someone that’s willing to look at God rather than let men or circumstances get them scared away from the goodness of God.

Caleb and Joshua saw the giants, they saw them as "small" (even grasshoppers compared to them), BUT they found the biggest, tastiest grapes they had ever laid their eyes on! They saw the grapes and knew God had promised the fruit of Canaan to them and they were willing to trust God, that he would make away for them to obtain Canaan.

What an example for us! If God has promised you something, go after it! Don’t look at yourself, don’t look at the world, TRUST HIM! God never promised there wouldn't be giants in your way; He never promised troubles might not come; He never promise things would be easy, BUT He did say, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” That’s good enough for me!

Go after the grapes, enjoy salvation, enjoy the rest of everything God has provided for you, enjoy your Canaan land! And always remember, you can go to Him and HE WILL help you in your Christian walk with Him, He alone will help you enjoy the Grapes in the Land of Giants!

May God Bless You Friend!

Pastor Jimmy Galgano, Clifton Baptist Church

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