Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26 "Christian Under Construction"

Key Verse: Psalms 138:8

Here the Bible says “The Lord will perfect that which concerned me” and thank God for that little verse, the promise of God that He will perfect us one of these days.

Once you’ve been saved, you no longer are the person you once were.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17: states that but by no means we are what we need to be with the Lord. Truthfully I am just as flawed as every other Christian in the world, I don’t do the “ big” sins anymore and really am striving not to do the “little” ones either.

Our biggest problem is not doing the things we are supposed to do.

James 4 : 17 says this “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” So everyday its a struggle to do all the things we are supposed to do and yes, we are each going to make mistakes and come short of His glory. Aren't you glad that God is longsuffering and doesn’t just throw us away for someone who is doing a little better or trying just a little harder? I would have been tossed aside along time ago. Through all our flaws the Lord is trying to perfect us. He is making us His own personal “trophies of grace” Isn’t that awesome?

Maybe you’ve never been much in the eyes of society, but to the Lord you are worth His complete devotion everyday. The Lord has even designed special storms for you. His word says “ Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” So the Lord is working to make us better through all the storms we go through, the battles we fight and through the valleys we climb.

So praise His name! He is using everything to help us grow for Him. Friend, don’t ever stop growing for Jesus, never get satisfied with what you have now but strive to grow in Him.

Let us not distance ourselves from Him for He wants to make us better. Storms aren't always easy, but God is working on you. God is trying to make us like the purest of gold or the finest silver.

I'm not what I need to be today, nor will I be what I need to be tomorrow, but I'm glad Jesus loves me enough to work on me each and everyday, aren't you?

Make it a point to never get to the place where you want God to stop working on you, but strive to let Him “ perfect that which concerned me.”

God Bless You!
Pastor Jimmy Galgano

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