Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 12 "Be Ye Doers of the Word" Read: James 1

“Be ye Doers of the Word“
Key Verses: James 1: 22-25

Following the Word of the Lord is the key for you today, and a key that unlocks the blessings of God.

So many times in our life we hear the word of God (whether it be by a God called preacher, or whether it be by reading our Authorized King James Bible) and we let it roll off of our back.

We tend to think that God isn’t trying to tell us something, but rather its for the person next to us at church or for one of our family members. Every word in that Bible is meant for every one of us, and its up to each of us to take heed to every word in the Bible.

Do you remember when you first got saved and you really tried to impress God by living right?

Sin scared you because you were experiencing God for the first time and you were trying to live holy. Remember that?

Whats happened to that holy living, to being afraid to sin?

We tend to wash little sins under the rug as though God isn’t watching or that He doesn’t care about our little sins as long as we keep the big ones away.

Folks curse, but justify it by saying “well its not one of the bad ones."

Folks lay out of church but seem to think God understands that we need a break sometimes.

That is far from the truth! We need to be doers of the word ALL THE TIME AND IN ALL THINGS!

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that God is going to continue to bless you if you are not willing to do what the Bible says.

God does not, has not, and will not ever bless sin or those that are living in it.

Are you a “doer of the word” or just a “hearer of the word?"

Are you one of those that will “amen” the preacher on Sunday morning and put on a holy exterior but on Monday, its back to the same old same old YOU?

Its this attitude that will keep you from living a blessed life in the Lord.

Its this very attitude and way of life that keeps lost people from EVER entering in the Church.

We as a body of believers need to start “doing” Gods word and live the life He has set in place for us. If you will be a “doer of the word” the bible clearly says “ this man shall be blessed in His deed.”

Will you be the one that will step up and say “ I WILL BE A DOER OF THE WORD AND NOT A HEARER ONLY!”

Start today and watch for the blessings to come.

Pastor Jimmy Galgano
Clifton Baptist Church

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